

We love students at KingsGate and are passionate about helping you find a community that grows and encourages you. We believe the best way to do university is by offering your whole life as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1), that includes how you study, rest, do relationships, and spend your time. We want to equip you to put God first in all things in a key season of your life.



  • On Sundays, we meet as a church family at West Road Concert Hall, 10am–11:15am for a time of worship and teaching. After the service, we provide a student lunch for undergrads and postgrads.

    Let us know if you're planning on coming along and we can meet you outside before the service and sit with you!

Student Nights

  • We love meeting together every Tuesday evening for a time of community, worship, and learning from the Bible. This term we'll be looking at the letter of Philippians which has so much to teach us about what it looks like to follow Jesus in partnership with others. Some evenings we have Gatherings altogether at St Andrew's Street Baptist Church and other evenings we meet in smaller Groups in colleges.

  • We kick off the term with 3 weeks of Gatherings on 10th, 17th and 24th October at St Andrew's Street Baptist Church. Doors open at 7:45pm for drinks and snacks, then our meeting starts at 8pm. We have a time of worship, followed by some Bible teaching after which we discuss, apply what we've learnt, and pray in small groups.
  • Then we'll have 4 weeks of Groups on 31st Oct, 7th, 14th and 21st Nov. Our groups are smaller to facilitate going deeper in relationships and discussion.
  • Save the date for our Bridgemas Party on Tue 28th November!


  • We love postgrads! We have a diverse community of postgrads within KingsGate and we want to help you pursue Jesus in this unique stage of life. We'll be having some one off events for postgrads throughout the term but we also have weekly groups.


    We think meeting weekly with a small group of people is the best way to grow in your relationship with Jesus and to grow in community. Our Young Adult LifeGroups are a mixture of postgraduate students and young adults who live or work in the city. These groups run all year round and meet in people's homes in the city. We have 5 young adult groups meeting weekly.

    If you'd like to join a LifeGroup, let us know using this form and we'll help you find a community to be part of:

    Join a group


  •  As well as joining one of our Young Adult groups, we know how valuable it is for        postgrads to connect with people in a similar season. So we have regular socials for postgrads to be able to get to know each other better and encourage each other as you live for Jesus in this unique season.

Social justice

  • We follow Jesus' example in caring for the poor and marginalised in society. We have various initiatives that students can get involved in during their time at university such as Foodbank, Besom projects and Eco church.

    find out more

Prayer and Worship

Prayer and Worship are at the foundation of everything we do. We have various informal and spontaneous worship and prayer events (such as worship nights in colleges or prayer walks after church). But here's our more official prayer and worship events!:

Fresher's Week Worship - Thursday 5th Oct 8-9:30pm @ Fitz College Chapel

Wednesday 15th November- Touching Heaven (extended time of worship with prayer) @ City Church CB5 8LD // 7:30pm


DEEPER Getaway

We're off to Norfolk to go DEEPER with God and DEEPER with each other. We'll have times of powerful worship, practical teaching, and plenty of fellowship and fun. Food is included.

Wed 27th - Sat 30th September 2023

Tickets £110


Drop us a line to say 'hi' and one of our team will be in touch.

Get in touch


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If you’re new to KingsGate then we’ve got a bit of information here to give you a flavour of who we are as a student community. 

Our mission as a church is “Transforming lives from our neighbourhoods to the nations by the power of God’s love”

As a student our passion is to equip you to live out that transformed life, both at university and beyond.

To do this we focus on 4 things:

Knowing God

You were designed to live in close relationship with God as a loved son or daughter, trusted friend and passionate worshipper.

Living in Freedom

Your royal identity frees you for a life of radical discipleship; living full of the Holy Spirit, being shaped by the Bible and loving Jesus with your whole life.

Growing in Community

Life is better when it’s done together. Our community is a place for you to belong, build authentic friendships and have fun.

Making a Difference

You were created on purpose for purpose: to love like Jesus and creatively influence the world around you, pointing people to Jesus in all sorts of ways.