Community Action
We want to demonstrate God’s love, by meeting the practical and emotional needs of those around us.
We run a series of initiatives and partner with other organisations, to help improve the lives of those in our cities. By offering food, friendship prayer, and other support, we are fulfilling our mission to see lives transformed.
We would love you to get involved with any of these initiatives. Just let us know if you're interested.
We partner with Cambridge City Foodbank to run the Trumpington distribution centre on Thursday afternoons. We give out 3–day food parcels to people who experience food poverty, to help them recover from crisis and get back on their feet. We love getting to chat to clients and make them feel valued and heard.
Check out the Cambridge City Foodbank page for information about the organisation or let us know you'd like to volunteer with the 'get in touch' button above.
Besom is a charity that helps churches give to those in need. We can give of our time, through doing day projects such as cleaning or gardening. We can also donate high quality furniture, bedding and kitchen goods to be given to someone who needs it.
Learn all about the mission and work of Besom here.
Debt Advice
In partnership with Cambridge Money Advice, we run a debt advice centre across Peterborough and Cambridge. Our volunteers walk alongside people through the process helping them get debt free. This role involves being an emotional support to clients as well as helping with admin and organising.
Learn more about our debt advice centre here, or get involved using the 'get in touch' button above.
Refugee Support
We are part of the Welcome Churches network. This means we are ready to support refugees who come to our city and region. We can help people settle into our area, helping them find them key facilities such as the local GP or pharmacy. We're also able to provide support at an emotionally challenging and socially isolating time.
You can find more information about Welcome Churches on their website and if you'd like to be kept up to date with their work, we'd recommend subscribing to their newsletter.
Learn more about community needs
Cambridge2030 Podcast- This looks at various areas affecting people in Cambridgeshire, from food poverty to cultural exclusion.
Find more detailed statistic about poverty in our area on the council's website here.

Giving to Those in Need
Part 6