DAY 11
Pray to Know the Power of His Love

‘And I pray that you, rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge.’ Ephesians 3:17-19 NIV

Our church mission statement includes ‘Transforming lives … by the power of God’s love.’ This is not just a slogan. We have seen thousands of lives changed as people have understood and experienced the transformational power of God’s love. This love is the agape love of God, which is different from and greater than all other kinds of love. It is the unconditional, selfless love that heals us from the hurts and disappointments of false love or lust. Paul understood this deeply. Having prayed for the strengthening of the Spirit and the indwelling of Christ, he continues to pray that believers might experience this profound love. Paul uses two metaphors to illustrate this: being ‘rooted … in love’ and being ‘established in love.’ If we want our lives to be healthy, we have to put deep roots down in the soil of love and have our lives built upon this foundation.

So, what is this love? Some suggest it refers to our love for God, His Word, and others. Others believe it refers to God’s love for us in Christ, which is the essential foundation for our lives. Both are crucial, but the order matters. Paul highlights this later: ‘Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children, and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us.’ Ephesians 5:1-2. When we understand ourselves as dearly loved by God and comprehend the extent of Christ’s love, we are empowered to live a life of love.

Having prayed for the Ephesians that they might be rooted and established in love, he prayed that they might move on and grow in somehow comprehending the vastness of Christ’s love.

He describes four dimensions of Christ’s love, each of which are worth pondering on. Here’s some reflections on what this love looks like:

Width: The breadth of God’s love extends to all humanity; no one is beyond its reach.
Length: This eternal dimension of love encompasses God’s plan for us from before creation to eternity.
Height: God’s love reaches the heavens and elevates us with Christ, seating us in heavenly places.
Depth: Christ’s love came down from heaven to earth, culminating in His sacrifice on the cross.


by Sharon Keogh



“The power of God's love is not just a concept; it’s a dynamic force that reshapes our lives and reveals our true potential.”

– N.T. Wright - theologian


Prayer points

    • Take time to reflect on the wonder of God’s love for you in Christ. Pray for yourself and others to be rooted and grounded in this love, and to begin to grasp its full extent.
    • Pray for an overflow of God’s love to those we reach; that this dynamic force would impact our world as He shows us how to walk in love and what that might look like in practical terms.
    • Bring your VIPs (Very Important People to God) before the Lord and pray that they would know and experience this all-encompassing love of God. Pray that their hearts would be soft and open to receive the love of the Father. Click here to watch Josh Gardiner’s video on how to pray for your VIPs